Table of contents:
Author's Note
I. The Battle Over Obscenity, Pornography and Sexual Morality Begins
II. The Great Comic-Book Scare
III. Roth v. United States
IV. Opening the Floodgates
V. Psychoanalysis, Sexology, The Frankfurt School, and the New Left
VI. Wilhelm Reich and the Sexual Revolution
VII. Second-Wave Feminism
VIII. Jews and Film
IX. Jews and Pornography
Audio reading with commentary by Alex Linder
· Merchants of Sin (2017), by Benjamin Garland
pp 0-27 - Introduction, Chapters !, II
- intro. jews deliberately pervert meaning of 1st Amendment. comic book hearings in 1954. jews dominate pornography and comic books.
pp 28-57 - Chapters III - IV
- main court cases getting obscenity legalized. Samuel Roth. Roth v US. Jews Must Live. Rosset, Grove Press. Pfeffer. Tropic of Cancer. Fanny Hill. Lenny Bruce. Ginsberg. Howl.
https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/Massive/AudioBooks/Garland-MoS-p28-57.mp3 (55m)
pp 58-79 - Chapter V
- the origins of sexual revolution in (((pseudo-science))). freud. hirshfeld. kinsey. legman. marcuse. Frankfurt School. Authoritarian Personality.
https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/Massive/AudioBooks/Garland-MoS-p58-79.mp3 (53m)
pp 80-100 - Chapter VI
- Wilhelm Reich. sexual self-control = fascism. must destroy nuclear family & patriarchy. orgone. Mailer his main promoter. inspired posthumous "sex revolution" of the '60s.
https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/Massive/AudioBooks/Garland-MoS-p80-100.mp3 (54m)
pp 101-124 - Chapter VII
- second-wave feminism. simone de beauvoir. the second sex. betty friedan. the feminine mystique. NARAL. WITCH. steinem. nathanson and NARAL. firestone. dworkin.
https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/Massive/AudioBooks/Garland-MoS-p101-124.mp3 (48m)
pp 125-147 - Chapter VIII
- jews in film. catholics force Production Code on jews. 1934-1965. they finally shuck it, profits drop by 2/3, heavy sex enters movies. jews put anti-white politics > profits.
https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/Massive/AudioBooks/Garland-MoS-p125-147.mp3 (54m)
pp 148-174 - Chapter IX [END]
- jews in porn. conclusion.
https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/Massive/AudioBooks/Garland-MoS-p148-174-END.mp3 (49m)
This is great. Complements EMJ's Libido Dominandi and Jewish Rovolutionary Spirit!
Thanks,Julius. This one will go to my archives.
Soon posting something like this will get you a one way ticket to guantanamo.