
Chinese Democracy

“By far the most interesting fact I hear about the Chinese is one on which we cannot arrive at clearness, but which excites endless curiosity even in the dim state: this namely, that they do attempt to make their Men of Letters their Governors! […] There does seem to be, all over China, a more or less active search everywhere to discover the men of talent that grow up in the young generation. […] The youths who distinguish themselves in the lower school are promoted into favorable stations in the higher, that they may still more distinguish themselves,-forward and forward: it appears to be out of these that the Official Persons, and incipient Governors, are taken.”


“These are they whom they try first, whether they can govern or not. And surely with the best hope: for they are the men that have already shown intellect. Try them: they have not governed or administered as yet; perhaps they cannot; but there is no doubt they have some Understanding,--without which no man can! Neither is Understanding a tool, as we are too apt to figure; "it is a hand which can handle any tool." Try these men: they are of all others the best worth trying.--Surely there is no kind of government, constitution, revolution, social apparatus or arrangement, that I know of in this world, so promising to one's scientific curiosity as this. The man of intellect at the top of affairs: this is the aim of all constitutions and revolutions, if they have any aim. For the man of true intellect, as I assert and believe always, is the noble-hearted man withal, the true, just, humane and valiant man. Get him for governor, all is got; fail to get him, though you had Constitutions plentiful as blackberries, and a Parliament in every village, there is nothing yet got!—"

That was written in 1840 (published in 1841) by Thomas Carlyle in “Heroes and Hero Worship - all 6 Lectures” - Chapter 5 “Hero as Man of Letters”

Jumping ahead to the present

• “How do Chinese leaders get elected?”


• Selection and election: How China chooses its leaders


“very much in line with the Confucian system of meritocracy”

Who would have thought, then, that in 1840 Thomas Carlyle was virtually pre-empting the script of the rise to power of President Xi Jinping?

• Xi Jinping: Scholar in a cave - CGTN


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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Julius Skoolafish

will it take a collapse of civilization to conclude that this is not “working”?… most just go along to get along, checking the boxes according to their designated tribe… (not that it matters)… getting really scary

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Well done, JS! Great resources.

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Apr 4Liked by Julius Skoolafish

The second chapter of my book is called A Democracy of Slaveowners on its Greek origins. It's one of the three proto-myths, with money and religion, that have led into every other manipulating delusion. Tony is right, of course, about only 19% having a voice. But worse, their voice was dependent on their contribution to the military. So it built the mercenary militia that put the teeth in the money system, and enabled conquest by proxy. It was interesting to learn, as a side note on my last article, that Rome started as a military outpost with no women until the Rape of the Sabine. It gives credence that Rome answered to the Hellenic Empire.

Democracy is certainly a paradigm to dismantle.

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Apr 4Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Democracy was definded by Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Paine.

It was also defined tby the Irish Monks.

All early humans practiced democracy but farming created hierarchies and war and ended democracy. Capitalism has nothing to do with it.

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• Era Of World Ruin by Arnold Leese


The claim of the Jews that they installed Democracy for the express purpose of ruining the Gentile world

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American Democracy

• 16 Pillars of American "Democracy"

(I don’t endorse EVERY detail)


At 3:25: “The answer to Roslyn Fuller’s paradox is simple: The United States is an oligarchy. It’s a country where, despite its democratic pretensions, the wishes of the majority are routinely ignored.”

Now listen to ‘presidential candidate’ RFK Jr at 6:45 in the following:

• Robert Kennedy Jr Meets Vicki Dillard and Responds to Her Statement. – FirstWorkMedia




RFK Jr: “I don’t think my job is to do what people want me to do – I’ve never believed that – if that’s the kind of leader that people want then they should not vote for me. Now, I’m going to do what I think is right [right for whom??] …]

Let me repeat what this presidential candidate just said …

“I don’t think my job is to do what people want me to do … “

I have heard the term ‘rectum licker’ applied to RFK Jr, Biden, Trump and their ilk.

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