Jun 20Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Thanks for this Julius, I hate to say it doesn't surprise me. It is an eye opener though.

The type of people who think they are entitled to rule have such arrogance. Although, I don't necessary support the Nazis, the Germans were most definitely targeted by the Zionists, there's no doubt.

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Thanks for adding so much to this journey, Nefahotep, especially on topics like the Isha Upanishad which I want to get so much more deeply into. So many intersecting interests - so few hours.

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Jun 20Liked by Julius Skoolafish

I was doing some archiving of my post into PDF and was reading some of the comments in the Isha post; we all had a really good time in that conversation. Somehow, I want to get back to having that sense with everyone, taking a break from all the discouraging things going on the world, in my own life.... family .... friends.... my center is based on the Spiritual approach.

You are welcome to copy the post, it has quick links, to access the Isha and other Sri Aurobindo works. If you ever want to work with me on anything, let me know. Collaboration can be interesting ;-)

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Jun 20Liked by Julius Skoolafish

All I'm getting is the incitement to hatred block. Think I can find elsewhere though. Shall try anyway.

Appreciate your work.

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Speechless !!! ...

Maybe try searching for links using Yandex. Here is one copy of the full speech on Archive


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Jun 20Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Yet his 1961 speech is on YT! :-)

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I did see that but it was only 46 minutes - it will be interesting to compare with the full transcript to see how it has been redacted.

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