Fascinating recollection by Maria! This is the Rasputin that was never made known to us. It's the usual depiction that I know of him. I do wonder if the Bolshevik Revolution would've succeeded were Rasputin not murdered by those fellows...

Thanks very much for this enlightening post. I only read Massie's book on Nicky and Alix long ago, and was not aware of all the other books on the Romanovs!

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Yes, my summation is that they probed him and publicly demonised him to find a weakness to undermine the Royal family and then eliminated him for the same reason. Tragic circumstances no matter which way you approach the time and events. With hindsight Nicky and Alix should have been more astute and moderated their closeness to Rasputin and not have allowed him to be weaponised in such a fashion. Perhaps their own piety got in the way.

So many "If only's ... "

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Jul 17Liked by Julius Skoolafish

What an invaluable body of work you have left us Brother Julius. Spaciba. As an aside, my wife Christine and I have had many animals throughout our years. Half cats, half dogs, and one serval! Her two favorite cats, and creatures she loved more than me or even her parents, were blue Abyssinian cats named Anastasia and Natasha. Well, she called that one Nastya! Both of us consider Sankt Petersburg the pinnacle of humanity, although my little Swede did love Paris when she lived there. She even kicked an Algerian in the balls.

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What a delightful anecdote - and thank you. Likewise with myself and Angie. Never been without pets except for a few short hiatuses studying and travelling. Dogs mostly when young, then both, now two cats - Gilbert and Lottie (Birman breed).

I just added a couple of pics of Gilbert at the end of this post. Thank you for the prompt.

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Jul 16Liked by Julius Skoolafish

As always, thank you.

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Thank you so much, Pauline, for acknowledging and appreciating my own journey. I am really just shouting out to friends - "Hey, look what I found!... this is really interesting!"

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Jul 16Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Sounds as if the dude was smeared. Why am I not surprised...

Would appreciate a brief summary of your impressions regarding the man vs the myth since, though the topic is interesting, my plate is beyond full as usual!

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Hello Geoff. Thanks for taking an interest. I did my best to break it down with subheadings while only covering half of Maria's booklet. Just bookmark the whole thing for a rainy day at your own pace. You don't need to commit to my own personal journey.

I will just preempt my future (final) article with this teaser ...

• Rasputin Was A Great And Good Man, Cruelly Murdered and Slandered by Evil British Spies


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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Julius Skoolafish

why does the Bible forbid the practice of divination? maybe because the clairvoyant may not be aware of the entity providing the information? what is the line between clairvoyance and possession? this is a fascinating topic, still can’t shake the coincidences the last time you wrote about him: 666 emails in my in-box.🙀

interesting his daughter wishing to set the record straight.

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My goodness ... WOW!! My next post is basically copy and paste so should not take too long. :-)

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