Jun 21Liked by Julius Skoolafish

This is interesting, Julius. They definitely take a different perspective on Christianity than I would. No mention of the behind-the-scenes political machinations behind Marxism, but looking at him as an atheist who believed in Satan. They seem to believe that he maybe was demonically possessed, so think that supernatural evil exists, validating witch hunts.

They also think Ratzinger was a hero for denouncing liberation theology in Latin America. My library includes some volumes detailing the torture the Church was complicit in. And, imo, it's a false dichotomy to say there's either no god or the god of Judeo-Christianity. I'm no fan of Marx but I think they've got a splinter or two in their own eyes. Just my 2 cents.

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That splinter - I totally agree, but I had to start this compilation somewhere, and Kengor and Wurmbrand seemed like a good place to start. Putin doesn't like Marx, Xi apparently does. It's like citing E Michael Jones - he also has a splinter or two. Some even compare Marx to Christ - which I can't get my head around (I think that's a psychological appeal to Christians to also like Marx). More as this repository grows

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Jun 21Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Good answer! I was worried we were going to have our first disagreement. (Probably not the first but you're too polite to tell me ;-)

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😊 and I am trying to progress my next [Maria] Rasputin article. I get so easily distracted by that Babylonian sidebar!!

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Putin on Marxism-Leninism – a “pernicious fairy tale”

“I think that history is something that should be looked on as something that occurred in the past. We can’t erase our history. If you’re interested in how I regard this person [Ulyanov - who called himself Lenin] and the doctrine he represented, I would say that ... there was a period in my life when I was interested in Marxism-Leninism, read a lot with keen interest, found that reading curious, often logical ... as we all did. - Yes, as we all did. But for me I can say, as I grew older, the truth became more and more apparent that all of it was nothing but a beautiful, yet pernicious fairy tale. Pernicious because its ... implementation; the efforts to achieve it in our country caused enormous harm.


… the other [thing] is they destroyed what united people of the civilized world.


The only thing they did to keep the country together within common borders was use barbed wire.“

Putin’s response 11 years later: “I have practically nothing more to add. I am ready to repeat it word for word.“

That video has been taken down but can still be found in Russian somewhere. Nevertheless, here is Putin on a related topic …

• Putin Trashes Marx and Lenin: Practice Has Shown That Marxism Was Wrong, Family Matters!

• (Not available in my country)


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