Tucker - Putin

The first 30 minutes was a wonderful history lesson of ancient and medieval Russia. I completely resonated with this having read (for example) the following collection by Matthew Raphael Johnson:

• The Third Rome: Holy Russia, Tsarism & Orthodoxy

• The Russian Populist: The Political Thought of Vladimir Putin

• The Soviet Experiment: Challenging the Apologists for Communist Tyranny

• The Ancient Orthodox Tradition in Russian Literature

• Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality: Lectures on Medieval Russia

I also agree entirely with Putin’s explanation of the recent and current events in Crimea and the Ukraine,

BUT I have a profound disagreement with his cursory summation of the events leading up to and surrounding WWII. More on that to come.

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But Putin glossed over and actually misrepresented certain ‘facts’ by repeating the ‘mainstream’ version of history. For example, did Hitler really “conspire with Poland to carve up Czechoslovakia”? I refer to David L Hoggan’s “The Forced War”. Hitler (peacefully) resolved the issue of German Sudetenland quite separately from the Danzig question.

How does WWI add context to WW-Part-II?

Who/which group was essentially in control of the proceedings of the ‘Peace Conference’ in 1919 leading to the Diktat of Versailles? How did this abomination set the powder keg for WWII in terms not only of the balkanisation of Europe (especially Germany – Saarland, Danzig, Sudetenland, Austria), but also of the Middle East (particularly Syria and Palestine) and even extending to parts of China.

Would Hitler have ever moved on Stalin’s Soviet Union had Britain (with France in tow) not used the Danzig question as a pretext to declare war on Germany despite Hitler’s attempts to settle the matter as a local dispute with Poland peacefully???

• Hitler's Peace Plans



In supporting Putin’s (Russia’s) moves on the Donbass, I have always seen it in the same light as Hitler’s (Germany’s) moves on Poland in 1939 – which need not have escalated beyond the Danzig question (see the role of Halifax in particular, and then Chamberlain followed by Churchill). And what was FDR doing in the background (see John Wear’s book)

Who really were the terrorist squads massacring innocent German men, women and children in Poland?

• Hans Schadewaldt - The Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland


… and Sudetenland (now part of the manufactured Czechoslovakia)?

• Ingomar Pust - Sudeten German Inferno - The hushed-up tragedy of the ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia


Would Hitler have ever initiated Operation Barbarossa had Stalin not made it clear that he was going to invade Western Europe and impose Bolshevism/Communism ideology under a puppet dictatorship as was done in other countries such as Hungary (Béla Kun)???

Would there have been a WWII if World Jewry had not declared war on Germany in 1933? –

• The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany - The Economic Boycott of 1933


- because wealthy powerful and influential Jews had determined that Germans did not have the right to govern Germany as their own (ethnic) state and determine their own economic and fiscal independence and path (see Gottfried Feder). Also recall what happened to Muammar Gaddafi, not to mention Saddam Hussein.

Can anyone who has actually studied the social and economic principles of National Socialism please explain what they find disagreeable with it???? The abolition of jewish usury? Legislation against the jewish pornography and all other forms of immoral depravity and decadence?

• Rabbi Yaron Reuven - Hitler’s first two laws


Nothing happens in a vacuum, and most of what we know as WWII history has been falsified and/or exaggerated by ‘the victors’. Yes, some (a lot of) people died.

The story of the ‘nasty Germans’ in WWII is just another volume of jewish Hollywood canards. It is now the turn of the Palestinians. It was so disappointing to listen to President Putin repeating this boogeyman story. Netanyahu would have been very impressed.

The jewish soft-porn comic actor Zelensky has marched off, what - 100,000?, 200,000? Slavic Ukrainian men to their deaths. How many of these were ‘nahtsies’?

I was looking forward to this interview as much as anyone. I was hoping for more clip grabs to share with my family and friends to demonstrate why have been an ardent supporter of Putin since taking an interest in late 2015. I won’t be sharing this one.


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I am not sure what this ‘nahtsie ideology’ is, exactly. Certainly it did not include pornography, homosexuality, prostitution and usury – or could it be a faux ideology manufactured in Spielberg’s Hollywood …

• Rabbi Yaron Reuven - Hitler’s first two laws


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Seriously you would have to be a brain dead idiot to find anything new in this dog&pony show;

It's being orchestrated because US-GOV wants to put UKRAINE-WAR to an end, and this saves face, they can say "WHO KNEW?" and declare Tucker&TRump as baby-jebuz

Zelensky is going down but rather than tell you they fucked up and wasted $500 Billion USD in UKRAINE and million lives they will blame "Zelensky" or some other useful idiots;

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I must say - my thoughts are "Tucker interviewing Putin? - what is going on here? - and why is Putin agreeing to this?" I am not ruling anything out. Thanks for your bluntness.

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PUTIN must be mildly amused why not? What's he to lose? For Tucker he's a "SWANSON" ( Bilionaire, one of the richest elite wealth trust fund familys in USA ) by second marriage of his CIA father ( found OSS WW2 ran USA MSM ), SWANSON famous for "TV DINNERS" in 1960's; Tucker like Musk, like Trump is/was Born a silver-spoon;

It can't hurt Putin, he can say his mind;

IMHO the question I would like is, "Ok, you found 38 bio-weapon labs in UKRAINE that opened in 2017 authorized by Trump, can you explain exactly what you found in those labs" ( We already know that was told by RFK-Jr, they developed COV19 that made ashkeNAZI & Han Chinese Immune to COV-19 )

Of course Tucker will not ask that question, because he's hoping that Trump gives him a cabinet post;

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IMO those running this show are Kabbalists, colour, numbers and such have significance on the Kabbalistic tree of life, though being Jewish it also has biblical Torah significance.


Recall that TUCKER wears the "RED RIBBON on his left wrist the symbol of Love of Kabbalist Satanism"

What else can be said??

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J, these videos show not available in ZOG US open air prison.

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Timing is interesting. Would've surely helped undermine support for this bloody crisis + perhaps saved lives...had it been undertaken/aired earlier.

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Well hell Gov’t 101… NEVER THEIR FAULT.

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The videos are “not available in your country “

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Yes, same here as I mentioned in the post. I kept those links for anyone who can access them. Try the VK links - or keep searching on that title (I use Yandex as google and yootube are vehicles for Hate and cannot be trusted.

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Blocked in France too, so thanks for the VK links!

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IMHO those running this show are Kabbalists, colour, numbers and such have significance on the Kabbalistic tree of life, though being Jewish it also has biblical Torah significance.


Recall that TUCKER wears the "RED RIBBON on his left wrist the symbol of Love of Kabbalist Satanism"

What else can be said??

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Oh, maybe luck on 2nd link. Confirm later. Thank you.

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Oh NO! 😮 Not available in my country 😞 Checking to save for later 😡

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I know it's not supposed to be funny… RITFMAO😵‍💫🙃👍

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Here's a real IDEA

Everybody that ever flew the blue&yellow flag on their porch in the USA the past decade take them right now out of their house and shoot them and leave their corpse for the buzzards that only that shows 'even steven' on the UKRAINE ass-fuck ran by TRUMP, BIDEN, NULAND, & Blinken;

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IMO those running this show are Kabbalists, colour, numbers and such have significance on the Kabbalistic tree of life, though being Jewish it also has biblical Torah significance.


Recall that TUCKER wears the "RED RIBBON on his left wrist the symbol of Love of Kabbalist Satanism"

What else can be said?

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Yes - all of this has to be running around in the back of one's mind as we try and unravel the significance of this interview. This is going to be fascinating.

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Thanks for making this available.

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• Mark Collett and I (Kevin MacDonald) discuss Tucker’s interview with Putin - TOO


• Patriotic Weekly Review - with Dr Kevin MacDonald - Mark Collett


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• Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin - Tucker Carlson


• Putin-Carlson interview: Full transcript - EDWARD SLAVSQUAT


Reactions to follow in due course.

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• "Men in dark suits" rule the US - Putin on Deep State - Inessa S


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What's interesting here is there are photos of Tucker & Putin with Red-String on their wrists

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Fitzpatrick Informer is not exactly on my list of trusted sites. A mixed bag of sources with some truths and many question marks. So now what? Do we just sit around and bitch?

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I thought the photos were quite nice? I mean lots of photos on lots of satanic players in GOV & Hollywood;

Yes, what fucking 'site' is not questionable??

Who do you 'trust' as we all know

Trust nobody

Make your own decisions

Confirmation bias is going to exist with all of us, I found this site searching for 'red wrist bands' and it was exactly the photos I was looking for, are they 'real'? Who the fuck knows what is real? These days everything & anything can be faked;

I always go back to history, do they have a history of this shit?? FUCK YES,

Just like the 'scarlet letter'

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