"[They like to project Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy onto Hitler … Nonsense!]"

I don't think this is nonsense at all. The people at the Thule Society often quoted Blavatsky, but seemed over time to go to pains to shift reference to what look on face to be filtered Neo-Theosophy intermediaries that look to be created in a rush for the purpose of providing distance (Ariosophy/Anthroposophy). A lot of Hitler's thoughts on Christian Positivism look like similar acceptance-at-a-distance.

The influences of the West that helped drive the rise of the Nazi Party came from people like Rockefeller and Ford who themselves often worked in parallel with goals of the Theosophical Society (While Rockefeller seemed never to talk much about Theosophy, his bank was always there for their projects, including the United Nations).

This graph is not a top priority at the moment, so it's only 10% of the information I've collected, but there is a lot here that establishes influence from Theosophy quarters to the Nazi rise:


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"[Interjection: “Cagliostro of our age” … WOW!! There’s a rabbit hole worth pursuing!]"

Adding more here...Philippe was a Martinist, and the Martinist order was resurrected in France by the Theosophists. This is not a coincidence. The Theosophical Society, while founded in New York, spread through London in the blink of an eye, pushed by the Freemasons who were integral to The Crown. The Theosophists were then heavily involved in seemingly every large world event for decades. I worked as a financial consultant (after my time as a bond trader on Wall St.) for a member of the Hirohito family who told me about Theosophists advising Emperor Hirohito. When you dig into India, it is hard to find a key figure from Bramo Samaj to the Independence of India (including the first six Prime Ministers, perhaps more) who were not guided by Theosophists like Annie Besant or the Freemasonry crowd that preceded the founding of the Theosophical Society.



And this fits with the way that the East India Companies managed Asia, using religion to strike within China, for instance:


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Thank you very much Michael, for adding so much depth to this topic. I will qualify my earlier comment and add to yours about Hitler's contact with the Thule society shortly. My assessment is that it was somewhat incidental, not formative. Multitasking and watching your discussion with Courtenay Turner on and off as we speak - thank you Tereza.

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Look into the Vril Society, which was at the core of the Thule Society. The Vril were the subject of Edward Bulwer-Lytton's "The Coming Race", a fiction piece that was bizarrely canonized by the Theosophists---the only group in the world to take them seriously. That a Vril cult wound up guiding the formative Nazi leadership does not seem to be incidental.

I wish you good luck in your studies, and am happy to talk if you are interested. I grew up in a Neo-Theosophy cult, and my brother was being trained to see himself as one of their Matreyas.

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Adding a little more, Philippe went by the honorific Maître Philippe, but that's more than merely an honorific. It's a nod to the invented notion of the Ascended Masters (by the Theosophists). Philippe was then elevated to a level of supernatural being---what the Theosophists usually called a Matreya (as they tried to convince Krishnamurti to act out, and reinvented from esoteric Buddhism).

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Again, thanks for your interest, input and links. My mention of Philippe was purposely anecdotal to illustrate that Rasputin was not the first 'religious counsellor' to have been introduced to Nicholas and Alexandra. Their own devoutness/piety as well as the social climate, in which spiritualism had taken such a foothold, rendered them vulnerable to such input, but according to his daughter, it was Rasputin who steered Alexandra AWAY from this occult influence as being "of the Devil".

My next intended item will mention the climate in which "staretsy" such as Rasputin were commonplace. Some stood out charismatically more than others. Don't for one minute presume that I am expert here - just mentioning this material as something really interesting and worth sharing.

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Yes, Raputin was at odds with the influence of the Martinists, though he was at a decided disadvantage in terms of power differential. The historical focus on him unfortunately makes him an attractive clown, whereas history would be better served to dig deeper into the influence, which was both in the Romanov circle and the Bolsheviks of occultist agents of the Western corporate-banking empire. The fact that Queen Victoria was convinced that Alix's marriage to Nicholas II would result in her death long before that conclusion seemed certain is suggestive of an agreed upon Western interest in the demise of Tsarist Russia.


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"Queen Victoria was convinced that Alix's marriage to Nicholas II would result in her death" - wow, did not know that specifically, and seems at odds with what I have read that Victoria was actually quite influential in persuading Alix to finally accept Nicholas' proposals, as Alix was reluctant to convert to Orthodoxy because of the depth of her (Lutheran-based) faith.

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Yes, Alix had trouble converting faiths. But no it did not take Queen Victoria to convince her. Young Nicholas and Alix were flirting since the ages of 16 and 12, and Alix's peers were already whispering to the queen that they two should get married.

The conspiracy theory that might should be taken seriously is that Alix was a poison pill to the Russian Empire in "The Great Game". In fact, Nicholas's father opposed the marriage on this grounds until just before his death.

To understand the growth of childhood love between Nicholas II and Alexandra, recall that they shared a bedroom at a time when royal couples often had separate quarters, and their arranged marriages were "all business".

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I will just submit this for general interest to qualify and give context to a couple of my other comments.

• Ernst Zundel presents Adolf Hitler the Artist, Architect, Designer (circa 1980s)


33:00 – Mentions “The Young Hitler I Knew” booklet by August Kubizek

35:40 – [Hitler] decided to join a political party. Undoubtedly he was helped by his association with an occult group which was very active at that time in Germany, more specifically in Bavaria and in Munich, called the Thule Society. The Thule Society apparently was kind of the brain centre where a number of Nationalist intellectuals were listening to lecturers and writers, artists, poets like Deitrich Eckart, and it is Adolf Hitler the young soldier that has returned from the front that we now see come under the stage of history in 1919-20. As we have previously mentioned he was blinded at the end of the war in a gas attack. To him that must have been a horrible shock of course, being an artist, thinking that he might never see colours again and the beauty of life and nature and so on. And he overcame his blindness, was taken by the German Army after the First World War and turned into a political information officer where he had a chance to visit all kinds of political organisations in his function as a man and checking on various political movements he attended one meeting of the German Workers’ Party and there something unexplained to him happened to his otherwise psyche, that he was suddenly gripped by wanting to do something about the plight of Germany and he joined that particular party as party member No. 7.

And it became quickly apparent that he was a very good organiser and an even better speaker and within no time flat he was put in charge of propaganda, and already you see, this young man groping naturally for an emblem for the newly formed political party. And we have actual reproductions of drawings which Adolf Hitler made at that time in 1920 – sketches of the various emblems that were open to a new Aryan, a new German movement – and we will look at those in a few moments.

39:00 - Hitler was a psychologist of the masses, there is no doubt about that – with occult overtones. He was tremendously inspired by the beauty and the emotion that had gripped him when he was part of the Vienna arts scene and especially the theatre scene


But we are way off topic 😊

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Note that the notion of an "Aryan race" was invented by the Theosophical Society.

In addition to being an artist, Hitler appeared in a few German movies whose directors wound up being half the administrators in the Ministry of Propaganda. Weirdly, the historians hide this fact. Hitler's IMDB profile was deleted, and with no copy on The Wayback Machine! Why? Some of those movie directors/propagandists had relationships with Theosophists and the Rockefeller circle. Some of that knowledge shows up in some writings, regardless---it is well-known that Rockefeller's propagandist Ivy Lee went to work for Hitler. One of Hitler's other propagandists, Leni Riefenstahl was close friends with L Ron Hubbard, the creator of Scientology, which is itself just a sci-fi rewrite of Theosophy:


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Jun 11Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Very interesting, Julius. Mathew Crawford has been exploring the roots of Theosophy and the Nazis. Any thoughts on this? https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/theosophy-and-the-faked-independence

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Jun 9Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Really enjoyed listening to Douglas Smith's talk on this.

Thank you...and also for previous Asha Logos series. What an absolute gem. Following him on X too.

Most grateful x

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I am feeling spurred to write an article on the subtopic of the Nicholas and Alexandra Love Affair.

For now, here are my sources with just a few passages …

• A Lifelong Passion: Nicholas and Alexandra: Their Own Story - Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko


• Nicky, Diary - 27 May 1884 - Peterhof

I sat next to little twelve-year-old Alix, whom I really liked a lot; Ella even more, her brother Ernie also.

• 31 May

We dined with: Ernest, pretty little Alix and Sergei. Alix and I wrote our names on the rear window of the Italian house (we love each other).


Seventeen-year-old Alix comes to St Petersburg to spend a winter with her sister Ella, now wife of Grand Duke Sergei - Nicky, now twenty, falls in love with her. Alix recounts her dreams - She and Nicky exchange notes.


Nicky hopes to marry Alix one day despite her reluctance to change religion

• Nicky Diary – 21 December 1891 – Gatchina

Inevitably this conversation touched the most sensitive string of my heat, and touched that dream and that hope I live with from day to day.

It is already a year and a half since I talked about it to Papa at Peterhof, and since then nothing has changed either for better or worse!

My dream - one day to marry Alix Hesse]. I have loved her for a long time, but more deeply and strongly since 1889 when she spent six weeks in Petersburg during the winter! For a long time I resisted my feelings, and tried to deceive myself about the impossibility of achieving my most cherished wish! But now that Eddy has withdrawn or been rejected, the only obstacle or gulf between us - is the question of religion!

It is the one and only barrier; I am almost certain that our feelings are mutual! Everything is the will of God. Relying on His mercy I resign myself to the future with equanimity.


Nicky's parents think it is about time for him to marry. Nicky writes of his love life

• Nicky, Diary - 29 January 1892 - St Petersburg

While I was talking to Mama this morning she made several hints about Helene, the daughter of the Comte de Paris which puts me in an awkward position. I am at the crossing of two paths; I myself want to go in the other direction, while Mama obviously wants me to take this one! What will happen?

After tea I crept into Xenia's room and watched from behind the curtain as she had her gymnastic lesson with a certain young and attractive person.

• 1 April - Gatchina Sandro's birthday

He is twenty-six! And I am following close on his heels, there are only two years between us.

I have noticed something very strange within myself: I never thought that two similar feelings, two loves could co-exist at one time within one heart.

I have already loved Alix H[esse] for three years and constantly hope to marry her one day, God willing! The following year I fell very much in love with Olga D, but that however has now passed! And since the camp of 1890 until now I have been madly (platonically) in love with little K [ballerina Marilda Kshessinskaya]. What a surprising thing our heart is! At the same time I never stop thinking of Alix.


• KR, Diary - 3 April 1894

Here I learnt from the Empress that on the day of Nicky's departure from Gatchina ... that on Saturday April 2nd, Xenia received a telegram from Alix in which she warned that she remained adamant, that is to say that she did not agree to convert to Orthodoxy.

Nicky was very upset and wanted to stay, but the Empress insisted that he go. She advised him to turn for help to Queen Victoria, who has a great influence on her granddaughter.

• Nicky Diary - 8 April - Coburg

A wonderful, unforgettable day in my life - the day of my betrothal to my dear beloved Alix. She came to Aunt Michen after 10 o'clock, and after they had talked, she and I had our discussion.

God, what a mountain has fallen from my shoulders; with what joy have I been able to delight dear Papa and Mama! I spent the whole day in a haze, not quite knowing what had happened to me!

and from:

• The Romanov Royal Martyrs: What Silence Could Not Conceal – authored/edited by Saint John the Forerunner Monastery

• Nicholas to his mother…

“[…] She cried the whole time, and only whispered now and then, 'No, I cannot!' Still I went on, repeating and insisting on what I had said before. And though this talk went on for two hours it came to nothing."

Queen Victoria arrived from England for the wedding of her grandson Ernst, and she tried to calm Alix, explaining to her that conversion to the Orthodox Faith did not constitute an affront to God. However, a more important influence on the sorrowing princess came from her sister, Elisabeth [Ella]. Elisabeth was not obliged to convert to Orthodoxy to marry Grand Duke Serge. She herself, however, being a deeply religious soul, found in Orthodoxy the fulness of Christian truth. Speaking then to her sister about the sublimity of the Orthodox Faith, she soothed her soul and dispelled her uneasiness.

• From Nicholas diary the day after Ernst's wedding: "8th of April. Friday.

A wonderful, unforgettable day of my life - the day of my engagement to my dear, beloved Alix. After 10 o'clock she came to Aunt Miechen, and after talking with her we came to an understanding. God! What a mountain fell off my shoulders... I was like in a dream all day, not quite aware of what actually happened to me!"

End of teaser …

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