This is actually really sad.

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May 13Liked by Julius Skoolafish

I haven't read it all but it's such a tender, human account. And you can see in the photos how humble and genuine they are.

By 'coincidence' I was just on p. 234 of Guyenot's From Yahweh to Zion. He writes:

"Thus, while the English were bringing America into war by supporting a Jewish movement (Zionism), the Germans managed to get Russia out of the war by supporting another Jewish movement (Bolshevism). Robert Wilton writes in The Last Days of the Romanovs: 'The Germans knew what they were doing when they sent Lenin's pack of Jews into Russia. They chose them as agents of destruction. Why? Because the Jews were not Russians and to them the destruction of Russia was all in the way of business, revolutionary or financial. The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indelibly impressed with the stamp of alien invasion.'"

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Thank you for popping by and sharing this post, Tereza. Please continue to appreciate the human side of this story in your own (very busy) time.

You raise a pivotal topic via Guyenot's book – which I have high on my wish list. I am still researching but a few things just don’t add up.

No sooner had “Germany” helped bring about the downfall of Russia from within, than Germany itself was ‘stabbed in the back’ by the very strong communist control over the trade unions and factories, resulting in Germany itself now having victory turned into instant defeat even after the war was called off, and Kaiser Wilhelm himself being forced to abdicate and flee. Meanwhile, with Lenin now in control we have the Brest-Litovsk Treaty which gave vast tracts of Russian land to “Germany’. Nicholas was aghast at this turn of events and expressed his utter dismay at this betrayal of ‘Mother Russia’ and all he thought that he was fighting for. (Nicholas’ huge mistake was taking an operational role.)

So the question is, how much influence did communists (and by definition the oligarch capitalist bankers behind it) have in Germany the whole time.

Was the area ceded to “Germany” by the Brest-Litovsk Treaty already under strong communist/bolshevist control, and therefore consistent with Lenin’s vision of world dictatorship (ComIntern , and hence used to serve as a beach-head for the Bolshevik takeover of the rest of Germany? If so, who was really in control of funding and assisting Lenin’s entry into Russia? Was Kaiser Wilhelm really in control of these manoeuvres, and even if he gave tacit approval, did he understand the tactics and the stakes? If so, why was he forced to flee – he should have been proudly gloating and presiding over his clever checkmate of Russia … mmm??

My impression is that both Wilhelm and Nicholas were simply out of their depth in terms of the hidden-hand strategy behind WWI – which included the Federal Reserve (to fund it all), the overthrow of the Russian (AND German) Monarchies, the Balfour Declaration and the (preplanned) ‘Paris Peace Conference’ / Diktat of Versailles which was basically a convention involving the who’s who of World Zionism including Rothschild, Brandeis, Baruch and a long list of et al

I cannot articulate it other than in the form of such questions and queries, but “Communism in Germany” by Adolf Ehrt comes to mind as offering some insight into this puzzle.

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May 14Liked by Julius Skoolafish

I have certainly come to the right person with these questions. And yes, it's sloppy research to ever use the name of a country as if it has a unified personified will. The same occurred to me, who is Germany? Was it the Kaiser or someone else? I've read that the Great War was entirely funded by banker loans to Germany, with no public funds. I'd guess this was Rothschilds, since he was in Germany at that time. If England and France had accepted peace with no reparations, would the bank loans have gone into default? It seems like the bankers needed a loser to get their money back, since they were funding all sides.

Ron Paul writes about the Fed and WWI, and how that fueled it because they never had to go to the taxpayers to get approval. Was Lenin funded by Germany or the US? Or the Int'l Jews?

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Every history book should be written with more question marks, don’t you think??

I liken Lenin’s train ride to Trotsky’s boat ride – along with over two hundred highly trained, armed and lavishly funded ‘revolutionaries’, departing from the east side of New York. They were routinely detained in Halifax, Canada. SOMEBODY gave (or influenced the decision/pulled the strings to give) the order to release them and let them proceed on to Russia – and they still had to cross multiple borders and pass through multiple countries. [And I am guessing that it wasn’t “The Canadians”.]

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May 14Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Glad you're starting the trend, Julius, with the lavish use of two at the end of your sentence ;-0

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You have just inspired me to stay down this rabbit hole and spend some time with Ra-Ra-Rasputin - from the perspective of mainstream authors, his own daughter and from his very own pen.

"History?" : the only word to begin with an "ache" [sic - pron. "aitch"] and end with a "question mark".

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May 15Liked by Julius Skoolafish

Oh I'm so interested in Rasputin. Thanks for taking on the 'ache' for me and bringing out the gems.

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• Martyrdom of the Tsar and his Family [100 Year Anniversary; Part 1] - Matthew Raphael Johnson - ИСХС-NIKA


• Martyrdom of the Tsar and his Family [100 Year Anniversary; Part 2] - Matthew Raphael Johnson - ИСХС-NIKA


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