https://archive.org/details/marketingofevil00davi (Borrow only)
Table of contents:
I Marketing Blitz
Selling ''Gay Rights” to America
2 Buying the Big Lie
The Myth of Church-State Separation
3 Killer Culture
Who is Selling Sex and Rebellion to Your Children?
4 Multicultural Madness
How Western Culture Was Turned Upside Down in One Generation
5 Family Meltdown
The Campaign to Destroy Marriage
6 Obsessed with Sex
How Fraudulent Science Unleashed a Catastrophic "Revolution”
7 Sabotaging Our Schools
How Radicals Have Hijacked America)s Education System
8 The Media Matrix
How the Press Creates a World of Illusion We Think Is Real
9 Blood Confessions
How Lying Marketers Sold America on Unrestricted Abortion
10 Last, Best Hope
The Fall and Rise of American Christianity
Audio reading with insightful commentary by Alex Linder
· The Marketing of Evil (2005), by David Kupelian
Audio segments:
(the description notes are by Alex Linder)
Intro and Ch. 1 of David Kupelian's The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom
Chapter One: Marketing Blitz: Selling "Gay Rights" to America [2:40:27]
- Madsen and Kirk's 3-stage strategy to convert Americans into homo-lovers: desensitize, jam, convert. (inundate with homoprop, make people scared to say a word against them, get people to love them by associating antis with nazis and pros with good guys like historical figures). only possible with aid of mass media - the point Kupelian leaves out to protect jews. so even as he denounces the assault on judeo-christian culture, he denies the role of the jew in facilitating homoprop, indeed literally producing it. judeo-homo culture makes more sense than his judeo-christian cant, at least for sexual morals. Kupelian, Joe Farah's boy (WND), cites E. Michael Jones in his index, which proves that he is aware of the role of the jew, and the racial animus driving his facilitation of homoism, yet he deliberately leaves it out - lying by omission, or syncopating the jew, as i term it. This segment is key in educating whites to understand how they are manipulated by the mass media (jews) in ways that threaten the very existence of their culture and race, not least by facilitating sexual threats against their own children, for homosexuals are made through molestation as much as by genes or bad parenting.
- this material is suitable for teaching anyone, child or adult, to understand the power of mass media to create stereotypes, good and bad, and to use those stereotypes (manipulated words and images) to promote an (anti-white) agenda.
Ch. 2: Buying the Big Lie: The Myth of Church-State Separation [1:58:29]
Chapter 3: Killer Culture: Who's Selling Sex and Rebellion to Your Children? [1:42:23]
Ch. 4: Multicultural Madness: How Western Culture Was Turned Upside Down in One Generation [1:30:49]
- false history of America, Kupelian is part of the problem he describes with his cant about founders and 'Judeo-Christian tradition,' failure to name the jew as the creators of various theories of multiculturalism as well as meme of 'nation of immigrants.'
Ch. 5: Family Meltdown: The Campaign to Destroy Marriage [1:25:30]
- no-fault divorce is problem. before that marriage was stable. introduced in California. spread rapidly to other states. Reagan signed it, later said one of his greatest mistakes. the state takes the place of the man. the state has a financial incentive to promote divorce because the resulting social detritus provides an opportunity to supply endless services and hire endless bureaucrats, psychiatrists, case workers, social workers, prison wardens, psychologists, judges, counsellors, lawyers, etc etc. big government is inherently anti-white, and this is one of the stronger reasons why.
Ch. 6: Obsessed with Sex: How Fraudulent Science Unleashed a Revolution [1:21:11]
- Kinsey, 1948. bombshell. promoted in all media. STILL the basis of sex 'science,' even though debunked by Reisman in 1981. E M Jones mentioned, Libido Dominandi. no mention of Frankfurt school or the jewish connection to race destruction of whites by immoralizing and hypersexualizing their society.
Ch. 7: Sabotaging Our Schools: How Radicals Have Hijacked America's Educational System [1:23:45]
- Wundt. experimental psychology. idea that people can be controlled - controlled scientifically. managed/conditioned thru public schools. replacing of effective phonics with ineffective look-say or whole-word method of teaching reading. Charlotte Iserbyt (dumbing down). Samuel Blumenfeld. John Taylor Gotto (Underground History of American Education). school subtly makes people passive, whiny, bored, used to appealing for limited share of authority's attention rather than initiating activity on own. destruction of spirit. rise of homeschooling thanks to evangelical Christians. omitting of antiwhite animus, pretence that jews aren't behind the sexualization and agenda of public schools since 1950. john dewey and progressives, the main one whose work is to be read to gain understanding of the ANTI-INTELLECTUAL mentality that wants schools to dump learning for SOCIALIZATION, which means conditioning in the "right" attitudes.
Ch. 8: The Media Matrix: How the Press Creates a World of Illusion We Think Is Real [54:31]
- matrix programming. red pill vs blue. hatred of reagan. evolution as example. fabric of confusion, spin and deceit = press political analysis. catholic priest homos are just that - homos not pedos. the media deliberately lie about this. they treat boyscouts one way and catholic priests another. they want to open boy scouts to homos (which happened after this book was published in 2005) and to blast catholic homos (catholics allow homos to serve as priests) as pedos. word games for political profit.
Ch. 9: Blood Confessions: How Lying Marketers Sold America on Unrestricted Abortion [1:12:07]
- jews lader, nathanson, friedan plan out abortion revolution. frame it as choice, personal choice, woman's choice, rather than particularly nasty form of murder, criminal in all 50 states. revolution via jewsmedia-backed judiciary, parallel to Brown v Board (1954), is Roe v Wade (1973), as is the Supreme Court decision of 2015 finding a constitutional right to supreme court. will of the people < will of the communist loxist antiwhite jews. lader, friedan and nathanson created NARAL. made up polls showing american supported abortion, which nathanson calls "the tactic of the self-fulfilling lie." lied about number of illegal abortions - actually 100k, they claimed 1m. (parallel to the exaggeration of number of natural homosexuals: from 1% to 10%.) 200-250 women dying annually of illegal abortion, "we fed the media the figure of 10,000." basically they claimed legalizing abortion would simply bring the limited number of illegal abortions into the light, but in fact the total number of abortions went up 1500% with legalization. parallel to arguments over illegal aliens. nathanson changed mind due to technology. filmed early abortion for The Silent Scream (abortion at 12 weeks). Late abortion = after third month. D&E = dilation and evacuation. they use a crushing instrument to grab and rip off portions of baby body. then reassemble on plate to make they got it all. ... they sell abortions. providers are traind by PR and marketing experts. it's a for-profit industry, they SELL abortions over phone and in person. Planned Parenthood is largest abortion provider. claims it tells about abortion alternatives but really doesn't. baby - fetus - tissue - blood clot. they lie to them about how much it hurts, about how long it takes, about the nature of what they're doing. and many women realize that afterward. abortion is a big business, and a cash business. almost the one part of medicine that is truly allowed to operate by market rules. if you have the cash -- not checks or cc but cash - you get the abortion. a lot of docs drawn into it for this reason, with the cover story they are "helping women." IRS doesn't go after these abortionists, for political reasons. Ultrasound used to see how far along the baby is - the larger, the more they charge for abotion. but mothers not allowed to see US because they wouldnt go thru with abortion, recognizing it's a real human baby if they heard the heartbeat. saline method - saline injected into amniotic sac, baby swallows it and burns to death. he violently struggles, leading mother, often, to realize he's not a clot of blood but a real person - and she is murdering him. Pro-Life Action League's "Meet the Abortion Providers" program. Planned Parenthood - Margaret Sanger - Ernst Rudin, "director of genetic sterilizaton" in NS Germany. "close ties." Norma McCorvey now against abortion, she was the "Roe" in v Wade.
Lawrence Lader was born in 1919 to Jewish parents. In his early adulthood he was a supporter of Marxism. He, along with Betty Friedan and Bernard Nathanson, was one of the founders of the pro-abortion group NARAL. Betty Friedan described him as "the founding father of the abortion movement".[1]
Lawrence Lader has been described by Betty Friedan as the "father of abortion rights." A 1941 graduate of Harvard College, he was the founding chair of NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League. Mr. Lader is a journalist and author of 11 books including Abortion, which was quoted nine times in the US Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision; The Margaret Sanger Story and the Fight for Birth Control, the first published biography of Margaret Sanger; and most recently A Private Matter: RU-486 and the Abortion Crisis. In 1975 he founded Abortion Rights Mobilization, which today is at the center of the struggle to make the French abortion pill RU-486 available to American women.[2]
Lawrence Lader was born 1919 in New York, N.Y. He graduated from Harvard University in 1941 and later served during World War II. Lader was a writer and journalist who worked for Reader's Digest and The New Republic, and wrote many books about abortion rights. His 1966 book, Abortion, was the first major book published about the then-taboo subject. It was influential in the Roe v. Wade decision: the Supreme Court cited Abortion numerous times in its decision. Lader strongly supported abortion rights, co-founding the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, later changed to the National Abortion Rights Action League (now NARAL Pro-Choice America). Lader's other titles include The Margaret Sanger Story and the Fight for Birth Control (1955) and Bold Brahmins: New England's War Against Slavery, 1831-63 (1973). He and his wife, Joan Summers Lader, had a daughter, Wendy.
According to Anne Nicol Gaylor, co-founder of FFRF who served with Lader on the NARAL Board of Directors, Lader was a freethinker. In 1987, Lader wrote the book Politics, Power, and the Church: The Catholic Crisis and Its Challenge to American Pluralism, which criticized the influence of the Catholic church. Lader wrote, "The Catholic hierarchy still rejects pluralism when many of its moral beliefs and dogma are in dispute. Through legislation on divorce, school prayer, abortion, and a host of issues, it has sought to legalize its moral codes." He supported the separation of church and state, stating: "Catholic power, allied with Fundamentalism, has threatened the American tenet of church-state separation and shaken the fragile balance of our pluralistic society." Lader was awarded FFRF's Freethought Pioneer Award in 1989 for his 1988-1989 lawsuit against the Catholic Church, which asked for the church's tax-exempt status to be removed because of its political lobbying. The lawsuit was lost on standing. Lader died of colon cancer.[3]
Ch. 10: Last, Best Hope: The Fall and Rise of American Christianity [1:27:04]
- america is superficially christian, going by numbers. but institutions and media are increasingly anti-christian. no mention of jews. that they control congress by money and media by ownership. Pollster Barna: "almost no difference" between born-again Christians and non-xtians. multiple interpretations, and conflicting. a christ-insanity for every subset. national council of churches - from communist front. marxism "disguised as christianity." support for homos, opposition to israel in mainline denominations. mainlines splitting over these political issues. prots split between mainline liberals and conservative evangelicals. further split by politics, esp homos. catholic seminaries infiltrated by homos. Paul Likoudis, of The Wanderer, book on homo-ing of RC: Amchurch Comes Out: The U.S. Bishops, Pedophile Scandals and the Homosexual Agenda. 1984-2004, 1000 known victims of homo priests, costing church at least 1 billion. note of special relevance to WN: likoudis finds that exposure alone is NOT enough to stop the sexual-liberation agenda of the perverts honeycombed through the church. 'Abandonment Clergy' - preaching political NON-involvement, as US goes to hell. Francis Schaeffer: most evangelicals can't even SEE that there's a battle (culture wars). Just as they can't make out the causative jew, they can't even make out the symptoms! The Great Evangelical Disaster - Schaeffer's book, one of many. He bemoans: "failure of the evangelical world to stand for truth as truth." the evangelical church practices accommodationism with the spirit of the age, the spirit of the world. this spirit is jewish. the church failed to fight the jew, and his remaking of the culture. rather it complied, gave in, acceded, withdrew. called to be big, the church was little. ... 1/3 US adults claim a born-again experience! yet they wont fight jews. won't even dare to name jews as the cause of the culture they comply with but formally claim to hate. ... disgusting games played in youth ministries. whoring after the mainstream culture, dully ripping it off to stay relevant. Toothbrush Buffet. Gross Out Games.
Here is the full reading by Alex Linder of David Kupelian's The Marketing of Evil, posted on The Internet Archive. (Chapters 1 and 10 are out of sequence because of alphabetical sequencing.)
I feel that all the 'hot button' issues--abortion, gays, sexuality--are there to distract us from economics, history, ultimate reality. It falls back into the 'us vs them' way of thinking. We are being pushed to control other people rather than look at the ways in which we're being controlled.
I have no doubt that the agenda is there, to force these issues to an extreme that then creates a backlash against them and the people who are not hostile. Then those people react with hostility against this group. And no one talks about Israel and Trump's land grab. Convenient?
What David says about gay men being created through childhood molestation and bad parenting I know to be false. Why do we care about what people do who aren't hurting anyone else? Is there such a shortage of people who ARE killing, bombing, torturing, destroying that we need to debate the fine points?
I can have a conversation about the ways we're being manipulated through propaganda with anyone, without getting into their sexual preferences--which are none of my business. But E. Michael Jones has glaring blind spots of his own--to the degree that I suspect his motives and whether he's part of the propaganda machine, as I say here (which I know you've read, Julius, so I just include it for others) https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/from-jq-to-jp.
There is no such thing as ‘judeo- Christian’. What a vile term. ‘judeo- Christian civilization, judeo- Christian beliefs, judeo- Christian values….’
Talmudists have convinced, by constant repetition, for EVEN the Christians to naturally use it as if WE Christians/ Christian world have ALWAYS used it.
Always putting themselves ( of course) first and the ‘Christian’ second, as an afterthought. Christians need to stop using it & start rejecting it. I repeat— there is NO such thing. The term is an absolute antithesis. It’s vile.