I feel that all the 'hot button' issues--abortion, gays, sexuality--are there to distract us from economics, history, ultimate reality. It falls back into the 'us vs them' way of thinking. We are being pushed to control other people rather than look at the ways in which we're being controlled.

I have no doubt that the agenda is there, to force these issues to an extreme that then creates a backlash against them and the people who are not hostile. Then those people react with hostility against this group. And no one talks about Israel and Trump's land grab. Convenient?

What David says about gay men being created through childhood molestation and bad parenting I know to be false. Why do we care about what people do who aren't hurting anyone else? Is there such a shortage of people who ARE killing, bombing, torturing, destroying that we need to debate the fine points?

I can have a conversation about the ways we're being manipulated through propaganda with anyone, without getting into their sexual preferences--which are none of my business. But E. Michael Jones has glaring blind spots of his own--to the degree that I suspect his motives and whether he's part of the propaganda machine, as I say here (which I know you've read, Julius, so I just include it for others) https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/from-jq-to-jp.

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Agree Tereza.

All over X...Trumps land grab/bending the knee to Netanyahu. Like a Nakba II 😢 It's devastating. What on earth will these traumatized, bereft and dispossessed people do?

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There is no such thing as ‘judeo- Christian’. What a vile term. ‘judeo- Christian civilization, judeo- Christian beliefs, judeo- Christian values….’

Talmudists have convinced, by constant repetition, for EVEN the Christians to naturally use it as if WE Christians/ Christian world have ALWAYS used it.  

Always putting themselves ( of course) first and the ‘Christian’ second, as an afterthought. Christians need to stop using it & start rejecting it. I repeat— there is NO such thing. The term is an absolute antithesis. It’s vile.

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Absolutely - I think you will find that Alex Linder eviscerates this vile oxymoron - he is citing (and exposing) Kupelian as he fills in the gaps that Kupelian leaves out

(Listen to first audio - at around 10:30 where Linder dismisses that fake phrase "judeo-Christian")

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I'm confused, though, how is this possible when the OT has been included as the foundation of the Bible since its first writing? I know that Adam & Eve, Noah, Moses were all part of my Catholic indoctrination. No?

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This is perhaps THE BIG question and I know that you’re WAY further down this rabbit hole than I am. I am currently reading “The Great Impersonation: How the Anti-Christ Has Deceived the Whole World” by Pastor Eli James – but it is not really helping much. James is claiming that God made this covenant with “us”, not “them” and that “they” have hijacked “our” history and heritage. But I am still trying to visualise the scene where “God” “made this deal”. It is an important question because certain groups are claiming racial supremacy and permission to genocide on a mass global scale based on such a “faith”.

“I'm confused, though, how is this possible …?”

I often have this very same thought conversation with myself and keep stumbling across mention of Marcion, a topic I am keen to look into much more deeply.

A quick grab from my archives

• Beyond Marcion: The LORD of the Septuagint and His Lies - RURIK SKYWALKER

• Part I - The Original Argument Against Yahweh (preview only – behind paywall)


Rurik: "Marcion’s goal was to defeat the God of the Old Testament."

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Yes, Rurik and Laurent both subscribe to Marcionism. There are no original writings of Marcion from the second century (and Tertullian, who refutes him, might be a later forgery from Laurent's Anno Domini). Marcion is saying that the authors of the gospels, the editors of the NT, the compilers of the Bible and the Church are all wrong--Yahweh is not the same as the Father of Jesus. He rejects the OT and says that only Paul has it right.

This, to me, seems like circular reasoning. He finds, as we all do, that Yahweh is a vengeful jealous petty tyrant of a god. But instead of calling the authors of the Bible into question, he projects that the story of Jesus--which only exists there--must be pure and good and a god of love. Never mind that "God sent his only begotten Son so that he might Suffer and Die so that Sins might be forgiven."

Does that sound like love to you?

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Just sharing this from my unopened archives

• Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments - Marcion: Gospel of the Lord and Other Writings (The Gnostic Society Library


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Just listened to Ch 1. Nick Petsoky helped me understand the lab origin of HIV. No doubt gay men were targeted. The reality is quite tragic; demonized and scapegoated, dying desperately lonely and ostracized.

I understand the Christian perspective (E Michael Jones also hates the 'sodomites') and what Alex and the author are getting at. So much has changed in the intervening decades. Anything goes, especially the more hedonistic, unhealthy, destructive mentalities, lifestyles.

Again, part of the Jewish/Talmudic plan for gentiles (esp white Christian). And so many souls are sleeping through it all :-(


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Thank you for that link, Pauline

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Excellent! Thank you.

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